Red Light Therapy in Lakewood, CO

What Exactly Is Red Light Therapy?

Some days, you hop right out of bed, feeling ready for anything. But other days, it can seem like your body is against you. You’re plagued by aches and pains that you can’t seem to get rid of, and that you definitely can’t ignore.

So what’s the solution—tough it out and hope your stiff joints and muscles get better on their own? Don’t wait for your wellness conditions to resolve themselves, because they might only get worse.

Instead, reach out to a provider at Aria Integrative Health and ask about red light therapy in Lakewood, CO. This wellness treatment finally relieve your aches and pains.

Treating Your Conditions at a Cellular Level

As the name suggests, red light therapy utilizes special wavelengths of light to stimulate cells, boost energy, and provide relief from a number of wellness conditions.

This treatment can soothe aches and pains after an athletic injury, or provide relief for patients with general discomfort and stiffness.

Red light therapy could be an effective treatment option for anyone suffering from:

  • Muscle fatigue
  • Poor joint motion
  • Poor muscle strength
  • Stiffness and soreness

But how can a light treat these conditions? Through a process called photobiomodulation (PBM), red light therapy stimulates the mitochondria of your cells.

If you took high school biology, you may remember hearing your teacher describe the mitochondria as the “powerhouse of the cell.”

We call the mitochondria a “powerhouse” because it provides energy to your cells. When we induce energy production through PBM, it gives your body the strength to address wellness conditions at a cellular level.

The Red Light Therapy Process

Our specialists at Aria Integrative Health prefer the NovoTHOR Light Pod for red light therapy. The NovoTHOR Light Pod resembles a tanning bed—it is a large capsule with enough space for you to lie down.

Another example of Red Light Therapy in Lakewood, CO

On the day of your session, a member of our team will bring you into the treatment area and get you comfortable in the light pod. The pod will then treat your skin with a dose of red light. This is a non-invasive and pain-free treatment.

It only takes around 8 to 20 minutes, so you won’t need to schedule a day off work to experience your desired results. Once the treatment is complete, you’ll be free to go. Before you leave, you can also schedule ongoing sessions for continual results.

Sign Up for Your Consultation Today

Don’t grit your teeth through aches and pains—seek relief with red light therapy in Lakewood, CO. Request a consultation at Aria to discuss your options. But if you’re interested in one of our other treatments, like microneedling or a Cryo Facial for psoriasis, we offer those options too. Need help deciding on your wellness or aesthetic procedure? Try our fee treatment finder!

Answer some simple questions about your conditions and goals, and we’ll send you a custom treatment recommendation. Our treatment finder only takes a few minutes to complete, so there’s no reason to wait. Take advantage of this online resource today.


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